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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Mesopotamia Questions

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Grade 7 Mesopotamia
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
Who was the king of Babylon from about 1792 to 1750 BCE.?
  1. Shalmaneser
  2. Sargon
  3. Hammurabi
  4. Nebuchadnezzar
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
What group of people created the first alphabet?
  1. Chaldeans
  2. Assyrians
  3. Israelites
  4. Phoenicians
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
The Code of Hammurabi was based on the concept of _____________.
  1. Thou shall not lie
  2. An eye for an eye
  3. be nice to others
  4. cruel and unusual punishment
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
Grade 7 Mesopotamia
What were satrapies?
  1. a series of wars with Greece
  2. provinces in the Persian Empire
  3. members of the highest Persian social class
  4. client kingdoms under the Persian protection
Grade 7 Mesopotamia

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Grade 7 Mesopotamia
Who was the first ruler of Akkadia?
  1. Ashurbanipul
  2. Nebopolassar
  3. Sargon
  4. Gudea
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