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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Roman Empire Questions

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Grade 7 Roman Empire
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Brutus and Cassius were defeated at which battle?
  1. Battle of Carthage
  2. Battle of Pharsalus
  3. Battle of Actium
  4. Battle of Phillipi
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Who was the first Roman Emperor?
  1. Claudius
  2. Tiberius
  3. Augustus
  4. Julius Caesar
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Gladiators were typically                          and                         .
  1. trainers and emperors
  2. patricians and plebeians
  3. brother and sister
  4. slaves and criminals
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Who were the members of the Second Triumvirate?
  1. Caesar, Crassus and Pompey
  2. Antony, Octavius and Lepidus
  3. Caesar, Antony, and Octavius
  4. Brutus, Cassius, and Casca
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Grade 7 Roman Empire

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What religion did the Roman Empire help spread?
  1. Islam
  2. Judiasm
  3. Christianity
  4. Paganism
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Which two civilizations fought in the Punic Wars?
  1. The Greeks and the Romans
  2. The Byzantines and the Scythians
  3. The Carthaginians and the Romans
  4. The Hittites and the Persians
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Grade 7 Roman Empire
Which group conquered the Western Roman Empire?
  1. Visigoths
  2. Huns
  3. Mongols
  4. Abbasids
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