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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Egypt Questions

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Grade 9 Egypt
Who was the king that united Upper and Lower Egypt?
  1. Narmer
  2. Ramses
  3. Tutmoses III
  4. Akhenaten
Grade 9 Egypt
In addition to building the Lighthouse of Alexandria, Ptolemy II also had which famous structure built?
  1. the Great Sphinx
  2. the Temple of Karnak
  3. the Colossus of Rhodes
  4. the Library of Alexandria
Grade 9 Egypt
Egypt expanded to its largest point during which historical phase?
  1. Old Kingdom
  2. Middle Kingdom
  3. New Kingdom
  4. Late Period
Grade 9 Egypt

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Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?
  1. Akhenaton
  2. Hatshepsut
  3. Tutankhamen
  4. Rames II
Grade 9 Egypt
The Nile River flows in which direction?
  1. North to South
  2. East to West
  3. West to East
  4. South to North
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