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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Greek and Roman Mythology Questions

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Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
Which of the following lines (spoken by Antigone) is the best example of foreshadowing?
  1. Ah! That voice is like the voice of death!
  2. But if the guilt lies upon Creon who judged me, then, I pray, may his punishment equal my own.
  3. Then let me go, since all your words are bitter, and the very light of the sun is cold to me.
  4. Then I beg you: kill me. This talking is a great weariness.
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
Of the following lines (spoken by Creon to Haimon) which is the best example of a Rhetorical Question?
  1. But if his sons fail him, if they turn out unprofitably, what has he fathered but trouble for himself and amusement for the malicious?
  2. Have you come here hating me, or have you come with deference and with love whatever I do?
  3. You consider it right for a man of my years and experience to go to school to a boy?
  4. You think it right to stand up for an anarchist?
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
What did Greek actors wear on stage?
  1. nothing
  2. masks
  3. togas
  4. all black and red
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
Antigone was written by:                   
  1. Aristotle
  2. Sophocles
  3. Plato
  4. Alexander the Great
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
What information does Antigone give to Ismene at the beginning of Scene 1?
  1. Creon has declared that anyone who buries Polynieces will be stoned to death.
  2. Creon has declared that anyone who buries Eteocles will be stoned to death.
  3. Ismene will be exiled
  4. Antigone is angry with Creon but will choose to sit back and watch.
Grade 10 Greek and Roman Mythology
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