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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Medical Terms Questions

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Grade 7 Medical Terms
What is the allergy to milk and milk products called?
  1. Lactose intolerence
  2. Lactose acceptance
  3. Lastose Fructose
  4. Lactose basillas
Grade 7 Medical Terms
                is a disease in which one or more types of white blood cells are made in excessive numbers.
  1. Cancer
  2. Anemia
  3. Leukemia
  4. Diabetes
Grade 7 Medical Terms
What is health?
  1. A pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking.
  2. The way you act in the many different situations and events in your life.
  3. A combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
  4. Encouraging other people to live healthy lives.
Grade 7 Medical Terms
A severe allergic reaction that makes it difficult for a person to breathe that may lead to a thready pulse and low blood pressure with altered levels of consciousness is called
  1. Epi -Pen
  2. Anaphylactic Shock
  3. Auto shock
  4. Allergy shock
Grade 7 Medical Terms
An injection or oral medicine that produces immunity to a disease.
  1. antibiotic
  2. vaccine
  3. transfusion
  4. corpse
Grade 7 Medical Terms
What we call diseases that can be spread from one person to another.
  1. contagious
  2. pathogens
  3. malignant
  4. bacteria
Grade 7 Medical Terms
What is a carcinogen?
  1. the end product of meiosis
  2. a substance that causes cancer
  3. a defect of the heart
  4. the outer layer of pleural tissue
Grade 7 Medical Terms
When plasma lacks one of the clotting factors that begins the clotting process, it is referred to as                .
  1. Hemoglobin
  2. Diabetes
  3. EKG
  4. Hemophilia
Grade 7 Medical Terms
A medical doctor who examines human tissues, blood and other body fluids to diagnose diseases is called a               pathologist              
Grade 7 Medical Terms
The sealing of cuts.
  1. blood transfusion
  2. antigens
  3. blood clotting
  4. platelets
Grade 7 Medical Terms
To avoid                  Varicose Veins                  you should avoid standing/sitting down for long period and exercise frequently.

Symptoms of                               Peripheral Vascular Disease                               include pain with movement, tingling/burning/restlessness in foot when resting, fatigue, aching, pain/cramps at night.

Symptoms of              arrhythmia              are fatigue, shortness of breath and chest pain.

               Hypertension                is also known as high blood pressure.

If                 Heart Disease                 is left untreated, it can result in heart attack or stroke.
Grade 7 Medical Terms
Pathogens can be described as                                   .
  1. Disease causing organic substances
  2. Disease causing organisms
  3. Chemicals from factory
Grade 7 Medical Terms
Abstinence is having sex before you are an adult.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 Medical Terms
Osteo means       bone       .
Grade 7 Medical Terms
            Scoliosis             is a disorder in which there is a sideways curve of the spine, or backbone.
Grade 7 Medical Terms
  2. MINOR
Grade 7 Medical Terms
To avoid                  Varicose Veins                  you should avoid standing/sitting down for long period and exercise frequently.

Symptoms of                               Peripheral Vascular Disease                               include pain with movement, tingling/burning/restlessness in foot when resting, fatigue, aching, pain/cramps at night.
Grade 7 Medical Terms

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INFECTIOUS diseases can spread through contact with an infected person.                
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 Medical Terms
Plaque is deposits of fatty material that build up inside the blood vessels.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 7 Medical Terms
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