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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Statistics and Probability Concepts Questions

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Grade 12 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Grade 12 Range, Median, Mean, and Mode
Grade 12 Collecting and Interpreting Data
How would you change from cluster sampling to stratified sampling?
  1. Randomly choose subjects from the population
  2. Randomly choose subjects from each group
  3. Choose all the subjects from a group
  4. Do not make any changes
Grade 12 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Which of the following is an example of a quantitative variable?
  1. the color of an automobile
  2. a person’s state of residence
  3. a person’s zip code
  4. a person’s height, recorded in inches
  5. choices (c) and (d)
Grade 12 Combinations and Permutations CCSS: HSS-CP.B.9
If a coin is flipped 5 times how many ways can you get 4 tails?
  1. [math]20[/math]
  2. [math]1[/math]
  3. [math]2880[/math]
  4. [math]5[/math]
Grade 12 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Grade 12 Statistics and Probability Concepts
A standardized test is taken by all American public school 11th graders. 80% of the test-takers passed the exam. Forty-five 11th grade public school students who took the exam were randomly selected, and 67% of them passed the exam.
Which of the following is true about the sampling distribution?
  1. The sampling distribution cannot be assumed to be approximately Normal since 45(1-0.80)=9 <10.
  2. The sampling distribution can be assumed to be approximately Normal since 45(0.80)=36 > 10. The mean is 0.80 and the standard deviation is 0.0596.
  3. The sampling distribution can be assumed to be approximately Normal since 45(1-0.70)=30 > 10. The mean is 0.80 and the standard deviation is 0.0596.
  4. The sampling distribution cannot be assumed to be approximately Normal since the population size is not given.
  5. The sampling distribution can be assumed to be approximately Normal since n>30, according to the Central Limit Theorem. The mean score is 80% and the standard deviation is 0.671%.
  6. The sampling distribution cannot be assumed to be approximately Normal since the scores are not normally distributed.
Grade 12 Combinations and Permutations CCSS: HSS-CP.B.9
If a coin is flipped 15 times, how many ways can you get 8 heads?
  1. [math]6","435[/math]
  2. [math]5.27*10^27[/math]
  3. [math]32","432","400[/math]
  4. [math]3.24*10^5[/math]
Grade 12 Collecting and Interpreting Data
Which of the following is an example of quantitative data?
  1. fashionable colors by season of the year
  2. gender
  3. high school grade level - freshman, sophomore, junior, senior
  4. radiation level in millirems of food in Japan
  5. favorite sport
Grade 12 Statistics and Probability Concepts
Scores for a standardized test taken by all American public school 11th graders have a mean of 80% and a standard deviation of 4.5%. Forty-five 11th grade public school students who took the exam were randomly selected, and the average score of this sample was 70%.
Which of the following is true about the sampling distribution?
  1. The sampling distribution cannot be assumed to be approximately Normal since 45(1-0.80)=9 <10.
  2. The sampling distribution can be assumed to be approximately Normal since 45(0.80)=36 > 10. The mean is 0.80 and the standard deviation is 0.0596.
  3. The sampling distribution cannot be assumed to be approximately Normal since the population size is not given.
  4. The sampling distribution can be assumed to be approximately Normal since n>30, according to the Central Limit Theorem. The mean score is 80% and the standard deviation is 0.671%.
  5. The sampling distribution can be assumed to be approximately Normal since n>30, according to the Central Limit Theorem. The mean score is 80% and the standard deviation is 4.5%.
  6. The sampling distribution cannot be assumed to be approximately Normal since the scores are not normally distributed.
Grade 12 Statistics and Probability Concepts
The range of a                                 must be between +1 and -1.
  1. standard deviation
  2. mode
  3. frequency distribution
  4. Pearson correlation coefficient
Grade 12 Collecting and Interpreting Data
On the same test, Mary and Pam scored at the 67th and 56th percentiles, respectively. Which of the following is a true statement?
  1. Mary scored 11 more points than Pam.
  2. Mary's score is 11% higher than Pam's.
  3. Eleven percent of those who took the test scored between Pam and Mary.
  4. Thirty-three people scored higher than both Mary and Pam.
  5. None of the above
Grade 12 Combinations and Permutations CCSS: HSS-CP.B.9
If a coin is flipped 18 times how many ways can you get 2 tails?
  1. [math]1.28*10^16[/math]
  2. [math]153[/math]
  3. [math]3.2*10^15[/math]
  4. [math]306[/math]
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