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Teachings of the Bible Questions - All Grades

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Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
There were      12      tribes of ancient Israel.
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
Who developed the first civilization?
  1. The Babylonians
  2. The Sumerians
  3. The Akkadians
  4. The Assyrians
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Where was baby Moses found?
  1. in the forest
  2. in a basket
  3. in a car
  4. on the streets of Egypt
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
In what order did Mesopotamia develop? Choose the correct order.
  1. Food surplus, built temples to their Gods, cities appeared
  2. Irrigation, food surpluses, appearance of cities
  3. Irrigation, appearance of cities, division of labour
  4. Food surpluses, appearance of cities, division of labour
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
Abraham's sons' names were:
  1. Jacob and Esau
  2. David and Goliath
  3. Noah and Shem
  4. Isaac and Ishmael
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
What did the man who found a valuable pearl do?
  1. He bought the field
  2. He sold everything he had to buy the pearl
  3. He did not pay for the pearl
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
What is the "Torah"?
  1. The Old Testament
  2. The first five books of the Old Testament, or Pentateuch
  3. The New Testament
  4. A robe worn by the priest on Holy Days
Kindergarten Teachings of the Bible
How many commandments are there?
  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 8
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
In the parable of the ten girls, for what did the oil stand?
  1. Prayer
  2. The Bible
  3. The Holy Spirit
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
Who was the first human king of Israel?
  1. Samuel
  2. Solomon
  3. Joshua
  4. Saul
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
According to Proverbs 12:27, what is considered a precious possession?
  1. Gold
  2. A good wife
  3. A word fitly spoken
  4. Diligence
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
According to Hebrews 3:16-19, because the people failed to trust in God - how long did Israel wander in the wilderness before entering the Promised Land?
  1. 45 years
  2. 60 years
  3. 110 years
  4. 40 years
Grade 9 Teachings of the Bible
Who was the first person to teach the idea that there was only one God?
  1. Abraham
  2. Moses
  3. "Anointed one"
  4. Messiah
College Teachings of the Bible
The                 served as a "spokesperson" for God.
  1. Prophet
  2. Priest
  3. Nazirite
  4. Judge
Grade 5 Teachings of the Bible
Who guided the authors of Scripture?
  1. Jesus
  2. the Holy Spirit
  3. the first disciples
  4. the Church
Grade 5 Teachings of the Bible
What kind of wood was used to build the ark?
  1. camel wood
  2. dog wood
  3. gopher wood
  4. badger wood
Grade 9 Teachings of the Bible
Who led the Hebrews out of slavery?
  1. the Messiah
  2. Abraham
  3. the Jews
  4. Moses
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
What is the Bible?
  1. A book written by God
  2. A book written by Jesus
  3. A book written by perfect men
  4. Many books written by people over a long period
  5. Many books written by the church
Grade 5 Teachings of the Bible
Who is the first person to "trust God" & did everything he asked?
  1. Moses
  2. Abraham
  3. Elijah
  4. John the Baptizer
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
How many plagues did Jehovah send to Egypt?
  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 20
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