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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) World War I Questions

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Grade 11 World War I
The Great Migration during World War I was the movement of which group of people?
  1. European immigrants fleeing to the U.S. to escape the war in Europe
  2. French refugees fleeing to Britain ahead of the German onslaught
  3. Mexicans fleeing to the American Southwest to escape political turmoil
  4. African Americans moving from the South to Northern cities
Grade 11 World War I
Grade 11 World War I
A country that builds up its armed forces is using what policy?
  1. Big Stick Diplomacy
  2. Militarism
  3. Agression Policy
  4. Defense Policy
Grade 11 World War I
Grade 11 World War I
Grade 11 World War I
Grade 11 World War I
Another name for Italy, France, Great Britain, and the U.S. is?
  1. The Allies
  2. The Entente
  3. The Big Four
  4. The Winning Four
Grade 11 World War I
What is the "I" in MAIN?
  1. Isolationism
  2. Imperialism
  3. Internationalism
  4. Immobilism
Grade 11 World War I
Which situation was the immediate cause of the United States' entry into World War I in 1917?
  1. The Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor
  2. Nazi tyranny threatened Western Democracy
  3. German submarines sank United States merchant ships
Grade 11 World War I
The "Great Migration" of African Americans to the North during and following World War I was mainly a result of
  1. success of military desegregation
  2. efforts of the civil rights movement
  3. availability of new factory jobs
Grade 11 World War I
At the beginning of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson followed a traditional United States foreign policy by
  1. sending troops to aid Great Britain
  2. declaring American neutrality
  3. requesting an immediate declaration of war against the aggressors
Grade 11 World War I
People who do not believe in war or violence are known as:
  1. Hippies
  2. Masochists
  3. Pacifists
  4. Peacemonger
Grade 11 World War I
President Woodrow Wilson's statement "The world must be made safe for democracy" was made to justify his decision to
  1. end United States imperialism in Latin America
  2. support tariff reform
  3. ask Congress to declare war against Germany
Grade 11 World War I
During World War I, many American women helped gain support for the suffrage movement by
  1. protesting against the war
  2. joining the military service
  3. working in wartime industries
Grade 11 World War I
After World War I, the opposition of some Members of Congress to the Versailles Treaty was based largely on the idea that the Treaty
  1. did not punish the Central Powers harshly enough
  2. did not give the United States an important role in world affairs
  3. would require the United States to join the League of Nations and might result in a loss of United States sovereignty
Grade 11 World War I
A major reason for the isolationist trend in the United States following World War I was
  1. the public's desire to end most trade with other nations
  2. the failure of the United States to gain new territory
  3. a disillusionment over the outcomes of the war
Grade 11 World War I
In civilian life, Himmelstoss was:
  1. a policeman
  2. a postman
  3. a cook
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