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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Writing Questions

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Grade 12 Conducting Research CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
A primary source could be:
  1. a biography
  2. an autobiography
  3. an encyclopedia
  4. an atlas
Grade 12 Writing Essays
When is a paragraph considered unified?
  1. when each sentence has at least some common thread to the one next to it
  2. when each sentence relates directly to the main idea of the paragraph
  3. when all sentences are grammatically correct
  4. when each sentence says essential the same thing, but rephrased in different ways to address the needs of a diverse audience
Grade 12 Journalism
What is the best definition of a fact?
  1. A provable statement
  2. Anything that appears in a news story
  3. The results of a poll
  4. A view shared by many people
Grade 12 Writing Essays
A well developed paragraph will always contain:
  1. a high-level diction
  2. necessary support
  3. sufficient transitions
  4. impeccable grammar
Grade 12 Writing Essays
All of the following are true of a thesis statement EXCEPT:
  1. it is general enough to include all the ideas in the passage.
  2. it is usually more narrow than the ideas in the passage.
  3. it is a sentence that states a central idea.
  4. it is the central idea of a longer passage.
Grade 12 Journalism
What does a copy editor do in a typical newsroom?
  1. Checks stories for consistency, grammar and style
  2. Makes archive copies of stories from yesterday's print edition
  3. Uploads a digital copy of the newspaper to the web
  4. Manages newspaper subscriptions
Grade 12 Journalism
What is soft news?
  1. Any news story that is under 200 words
  2. A web publishing platform
  3. Any news story accessible on a mobile device
  4. A light news story intended to entertain
Grade 12 Writing Essays
When writing for people that have cultural backgrounds that differ from your own:
  1. Keep sentences short
  2. Write in passive voice
  3. Avoid jargon
  4. Be careful with graphics
Grade 12 Journalism
What does Op-Ed stand for?
  1. Opposite education
  2. Opportunity to edit
  3. Opinion editorial
  4. Operational edict
Grade 12 Writing Essays
The three basic parts of a paragraph include all of the following EXCEPT:
  1. a general idea or subject
  2. a main idea
  3. a thesis statement
  4. supporting details
Grade 12 Journalism
What is the purpose of a back-up quote?
  1. to support the lead immediately
  2. to reinforce the writer's opinion
  3. to make a story more authentic
  4. to lengthen a story that is too brief
Grade 12 Journalism
Which of the following best describes libel?
  1. fair, neutral reporting
  2. spoken defamation of character
  3. responsible journalism
  4. written defamation of character
Grade 12 Journalism
Grade 12 Journalism
Who oversees day-to-day operations in a typical print newsroom?
  1. Digital Editor
  2. Line Editor
  3. Managing Editor
  4. Reporter
Grade 12 Conducting Research CCSS: CCRA.W.7, W.11-12.7
Which word DOES NOT describe a good research question?
  1. relevent
  2. realistic
  3. original
  4. subjective
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