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Colonial Period Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Colonial Period
What was the main reason the pilgrims left England to found Plymouth Colony?
  1. They wanted to convert the natives to Christianity.
  2. They wanted to worship God in their own way.
  3. They wanted to sail across the Atlantic to search for wealth.
  4. They wanted to be first to claim land in the New World.
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Which was the first permanent colony?
  1. Georgia
  2. Virginia
  3. Roanoke
  4. Connecticut
Grade 5 Colonial Period
On which ship did the Pilgrims sail to North America?
  1. the Speedwell
  2. the Mayflower
  3. the Pilgrimage
  4. the Santa Maria
Grade 7 Colonial Period
What founding document was influenced by the Mayflower Compact?
  1. Magna Carta
  2. U.S. Constitution
  3. U.N. Declaration of Human Rights
  4. Virginia Declaration of Rights
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Plymouth colony was in which state?
  1. New Hampshire
  2. Connecticut
  3. Massachusetts
  4. Delaware
Grade 6 Colonial Period
Grade 6 Colonial Period
The Intolerable Acts were a direct response to what event?
  1. Boston Massacre
  2. Boston Tea Party
  3. Seven Years' War
  4. Battles of Lexington and Concord
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Who founded Connecticut colony?
  1. Pilgrims
  2. Quakers
  3. Puritans
  4. convicts
Grade 5 Colonial Period
What was the main reason Jamestown was founded?
  1. to learn more about the Native Americans
  2. to find clean drinking water
  3. to get rich from the New World's resources
  4. to start a new country
Grade 6 Colonial Period
What group helped the Pilgrims survive at Plymouth Colony?
  1. the Norse
  2. the Dutch
  3. the Ojibwe
  4. the Wampanoag
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Grade 6 Colonial Period
In which modern-day state was Jamestown located?
  1. Massachusetts
  2. New York
  3. Virginia
  4. Florida
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