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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Democratic Foundations Questions

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Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
The 'Common Man' supported a strong central form of government, due in part to
  1. The Boston Massacre.
  2. Shays' Rebellion.
  3. The French and Indian War.
  4. The Articles of Confederation.
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
What era influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States more than any other?
  1. The Enlightenment
  2. The Renaissance
  3. The Great Awakening
  4. The English Civil War
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
The Bill of Rights consists of...
  1. the first 10 judicial decisions
  2. 20 civil arguments
  3. 26 constitutional amendments
  4. the first 10 amendments to the Constitution
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
What was the original purpose of the 1787 Constitutional Convention?
  1. to revise the Constitution
  2. approve the New Jersey Plan
  3. to revise the Articles of Confederation
  4. to deny the Virginia Plan
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
What was John Locke best known for?
  1. Natural rights
  2. Women's rights
  3. Separation of government powers
  4. Marriage rights
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Who was blamed for all of the grievances (complaints) that are listed in the Declaration of Independence?
  1. King Louis XVI of France
  2. British Soldiers
  3. British Parliment
  4. King George III of Britain
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Which of the following best summarizes the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence?
  1. When the Revolutionary War is over, the colonies will be free from the rule of Britain.
  2. The people of the thirteen colonies wish to now be free and independent states.
  3. When a people separate from their government, they must clearly give the reasons why.
  4. The colonies desire to make peace with Great Britain and bring the war to an end.
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Which of these ideas did the Founders learn from classical (ancient) political philosophers? Select all that apply.
  1. People must fulfill their obligations to their communities to survive and live well.
  2. Government should help people fulfill their civic and moral responsibilities.
  3. Some forms of freedom can exist in a nondemocratic form of government.
  4. Countries should be ruled by wise people.
  5. Democracies tend to end in tyranny when the poor rebel against the rich.
  6. Government should be the servant, not the master, of the people.
  7. The powers of government should be limited by a constitution.
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
How did the Articles of Confederation reflect the colonists' fear of monarchy?
  1. creating a national government headed by a queen
  2. creating a national government with no power
  3. creating a national government without an executive or an executive branch
  4. creating a national government with no judicial system
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
The Constitutional Convention was convened in:
  1. New York City
  2. Washington, DC
  3. Philadelphia, Pa.
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Why did Antifederalists insist on a bill of rights?
  1. to protect rights of the states
  2. to guarantee a strong national government
  3. to protect the rights of slave holders
  4. to protect individual liberties against government
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
What did the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan had in common?
  1. government with three branches
  2. strong national government
  3. one house legislature
  4. both of a and b
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
Who was selected to preside over the Constitutional Convention:
  1. Thomas Jefferson
  2. Samuel Adams
  3. Benjamin Franklin
  4. John Hancock
  5. George Washington
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
How did the Antifederalists and Federalists differ in their views on national government?
  1. Federalists wanted a strong central government
  2. Antifederalists concerned with protecting individual liberties
  3. keeping the strong power of the states
  4. all of the above
Grade 12 Democratic Foundations
What kind of relationship did the states have under the Articles of Confederation?
  1. A tight bound of brotherhood
  2. A firm league of friendship
  3. A close knit family of states
  4. A loose league of mere acquaintances
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