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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Formation of the USA Questions

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Grade 10 Formation of the USA
Grade 10 Formation of the USA
The Compromise of 1850 was designed to settle the issue of
  1. popular sovereignty.
  2. the war with Mexico.
  3. slavery in the territories won from Mexico
  4. the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Grade 10 Formation of the USA
Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government could not
  1. declare war
  2. borrow money
  3. establish a postal service
  4. impose taxes
Grade 10 Formation of the USA
In 1849 thousands of people came to California because
  1. It was a Free state.
  2. Gold had been discovered there.
Grade 10 Formation of the USA
This was one of the two problems existing between the United States and Mexico before the war
  1. Texas would have been a Free state.
  2. Texas would have been a Slave state.
  3. Popular Sovereignty would decide the slavery question.
Grade 10 Formation of the USA
Grade 10 Formation of the USA
What was the outcome of the Alaska Boundary dispute?
  1. Britain sided with the US and the boundary favoured the US
  2. Britain sided with Russia and the boundary favoured Canada
  3. Britain sided with Canada and the boundary favoured Canada
  4. The US demanded that Canada drop tariffs
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