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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Industrialization Questions

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Grade 10 Industrialization
Which two railroads formed the Transcontinental Railroad?
  1. Union Pacific and Southern Railway
  2. Union Pacific and Central Pacific
  3. Central Pacific and Great Northern
  4. Great Northern and Southern Railway
Grade 10 Industrialization
Which of the following is NOT an example of how the Transcontinental Railway encouraged Industrialization?
  1. The railroads linked the nation.
  2. Railroad companies refused to hire immigrants.
  3. The construction of the railroad stimulated the economy.
  4. Railroads increased the size of markets for many products.
Grade 10 Industrialization
Many of the business trusts created in the late 1800s were eventually declared illegal primarily because they
  1. eliminated competition by forming monopolies
  2. combined companies that manufactured different products
  3. donated large sums of money to political candidates
  4. allowed children to work under unsafe conditions
Grade 10 Industrialization

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The country was connected from coast to coast by
  1. the invention of the electric light
  2. the transcontinental railroad
  3. Standard Oil
Grade 10 Industrialization
Andrew Carnegie was known for this term, which means all factors of production are owned by a business.
  1. Horizontal Integration
  2. Monopoly
  3. Vertical Intergration
  4. Perfect Competition
Grade 10 Industrialization
The Interstate Commerce Act (1887), the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) are similar in that they were intended to
  1. reaffirm the federal government’s laissez faire attitude toward big business.
  2. increase the federal government’s power to regulate business practices.
  3. authorize the breakup of labor unions.
  4. reject the use of trust busting.
Grade 10 Industrialization
In response to the demands of farmers and small business owners, Congress enacted laws in the late 19th century that
  1. supported the organization of farm cooperatives
  2. regulated the activities of railroads and trusts
  3. provided direct payments to farmers to help them buy modern machinery
  4. dropped tariff rates to the lowest point in the century
Grade 10 Industrialization
Which of the following made possible the American industrial growth of the late 1800's?
  1. household economies
  2. government reforms
  3. technological advances
Grade 10 Industrialization
Grade 10 Industrialization
John D Rockefeller made his millions in
  1. oil
  2. steel
  3. telephones
  4. railways
Grade 10 Industrialization
The government responded to the Pullman Strike by
  1. taking Pullman officials to court
  2. using federal troops to control the workers
  3. forcing unions and workers to negotiate
Grade 10 Industrialization
Grade 10 Industrialization
According to the idea of laissez-faire, government should
  1. stay out of the affairs of business
  2. raise taxes on the rich
  3. protect the rights of workers
Grade 10 Industrialization
Strikers wanted not only higher pay, but also wanted
  1. retirement pay
  2. safer working conditions
  3. matching uniforms
Grade 10 Industrialization
The American Federation of Labor organized
  1. farmers, factory workers, and white-collar workers
  2. only skilled workers
  3. women and children
Grade 10 Industrialization
The Bessemer process was used with
  1. electrical conduction
  2. steel production
  3. Morse code transmission
Grade 10 Industrialization
In which of the following did several police officers and workers die?
  1. Pullman factory
  2. Triangle Shirtwaist factory
  3. Haymarket riot
  4. Homestead strike
Grade 10 Industrialization
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