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Human Reproduction Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Human Reproduction
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
Grade 7 Human Reproduction
Grade 9 Human Reproduction
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
Which sex cell is produced in males?
  1. egg
  2. ovary
  3. testis
  4. sperm
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
What process involves an egg being discharged from an ovary?
  1. fertilization
  2. ovulation
  3. negative feedback
  4. freedom
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
The release of an egg from an ovary is
  1. ovulation.
  2. fertilization.
  3. menstruation.
  4. afterbirth.
Grade 7 Human Reproduction
The female sex cell is the
  1. sperm.
  2. egg.
  3. ovary.
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
What provides protection for the embryo during development?
  1. umbilical cord
  2. scrotum
  3. amniotic sac
  4. placenta
Grade 7 Human Reproduction
Where does gestation occur?
  1. uterus
  2. placenta
  3. umbilical cord
  4. none of the above
Grade 7 Human Reproduction
The male sex cell is the
  1. sperm.
  2. egg.
  3. testes.
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
Grade 12 Human Reproduction
What system plays a vital role in the existence of the human species?
  1. cardiovascular system
  2. respiratory system
  3. digestive system
  4. reproductive system
Grade 7 Human Reproduction
Which structure in the male reproductive system provides fluid for semen?
  1. epididymis gland
  2. bladder
  3. urethra
  4. prostate gland
Grade 7 Human Reproduction
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