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Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Food gives us
  1. energy.
  2. sunlight.
  3. oxygen.
  4. all of the above
Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Which system of the body allows you to breathe?
  1. circulatory
  2. respiratory
  3. digestive
  4. excretory
Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Which system brings oxygen into the lungs?
  1. digestive system
  2. respiratory system
  3. nervous system
  4. excretory system
Grade 7 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Where does the digestive system begin?
  1. esophagus
  2. stomach
  3. mouth
  4. feet
Grade 10 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The sweat glands, kidneys, and urinary bladder are part of the                   .
  1. digestive system
  2. respiratory system
  3. endocrine system
  4. excretory system
Grade 7 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The liver is part of which organ system?
  1. digestive
  2. respiratory
  3. nervous
  4. cardiovascular
Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Choose the correct order of food moving through the digestive system.
  1. mouth, stomach, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine
  2. mouth, small intestine, large intestine, esophagus, stomach
  3. mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine
  4. mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
Grade 4 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Your respiratory system helps you
  1. move.
  2. breathe.
  3. digest food.
Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Grade 4 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Food the body cannot use is stored in the
  1. stomach.
  2. large intestine.
  3. mouth.
  4. small intestine.
Grade 6 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
What organ is not a part of the digestive system?
  1. lung
  2. stomach
  3. small intestine
  4. large intestine
Grade 7 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
What is the purpose of the respiratory system?
  1. to break down food for energy and nutrients
  2. to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. to provide response to stimuli in the world around us
  4. to provide structure and support for the body
Grade 8 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Three organs of the digestive system that food does not pass through are the
  1. stomach, esophagus, and small intestine.
  2. liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.
  3. large intestine, small intestine, and stomach.
Grade 7 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The wave-like movement that moves food through the digestive system is
  1. chyme.
  2. mechanical digestion.
  3. peristalsis.
  4. chemical digestion.
Grade 4 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Where does digestion start?
  1. mouth
  2. small intestine
  3. large intestine
  4. stomach
Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The system responsible for carrying gases between the outside and the blood is the
  1. respiratory system.
  2. digestive system.
  3. excretory system.
  4. circulatory system.
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