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College Neuroscience Questions

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College Neuroscience
The degenerative disease which is caused by degeneration of the neurons which produce dopamine necessary for transmission of messages in the brain and is characterized by a shuffling gait is called:
  1. alzheimer's disease
  2. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3. multiple sclerosis
  4. parkinson's disease
  5. dementia
College Neuroscience
The most common slow, progressive cause of irreversible loss of or impairment of cognitive ability in adults in called:
  1. alzheimer's disease
  2. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3. multiple sclerosis
  4. parkinson's disease
College Neuroscience
Cog-wheel rigidity and bradykinesia are symptoms of:
  1. alzheimer's disease
  2. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3. multiple sclerosis
  4. parkinson's disease
  5. dementia
College Neuroscience
The degenerative disease which results from inflammation and destruction of the myelin that surround nerve fibers is known as:
  1. alzheimer's disease
  2. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  3. multiple sclerosis
  4. parkinson's disease
  5. dementia
College Neuroscience
Which of the following is NOT an early sign of ALS?
  1. footdrop or weakness
  2. muscle cramps and twitching in your arms, shoulders and tongue
  3. forgetfulness
  4. fatigue
College Neuroscience
When a stroke is very mild with symptoms disappearing within a few minutes, it is often referred to as:
  1. aphasia
  2. synergy patterns
  3. TIAs
  4. MI
  5. CVA
College Neuroscience
When collecting data through skilled observation of a 4 year old with autism, the COTA should focus on:
  1. gross and fine motor development
  2. muscle tone
  3. perceptual skills
  4. ability to relate to others
College Neuroscience
During assessment of a 10 month old child with Down Syndrome, the COTA notes hyperextensibility of all joints. This means that the child probably has:
  1. increased muscle tone
  2. decreased muscle tone
  3. contractures
  4. spasticity
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