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Scientific Methods and Applications Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Scientific Method
The steps used by scientists to solve problems and uncover facts is the
  1. testing method.
  2. scientific method.
  3. system method.
  4. question method.
Grade 7 Scientific Method
Grade 7 Scientific Method
What is the first step in the scientific method?
  1. organizing data
  2. forming a hypothesis
  3. asking a question
  4. gathering information
Grade 11 Scientific Method
The part of an investigation that remains the same is the
  1. uncontrolled variable.
  2. independent variable.
  3. dependent variable.
  4. control variable.
Grade 8 Scientific Method
Grade 8 Scientific Method
The independent variable
  1. is something that is changed.
  2. is the group that is not tested.
  3. depends on the dependent variable.
  4. is an educated guess.
Grade 5 Scientific Method
The process of obtaining information by using your senses is called
  1. an observation.
  2. a scientific method.
  3. an inquiry.
  4. a conclusion.
Grade 7 Scientific Method
A guess about what will happen is a
  1. theory.
  2. science.
  3. greenhouse effect.
  4. prediction.
Grade 7 Scientific Methods and Applications
Which definition best defines science?
  1. using thinking and practical skills to understand our world
  2. a body of skills related to life and death
  3. the study of non-living things only
  4. the study of living things only
Grade 7 Scientific Method
A written statement using the words "if, then" is
  1. a result.
  2. information.
  3. a problem.
  4. a hypothesis.
Grade 5 Scientific Method
Grade 9 Scientific Method
An investigator is interested in seeing how tall a certain species of plant will grow if it is kept under red light for a month. What would be valid hypothesis for this experiment?
  1. If the light is red, then the plant will grow.
  2. If the investigator uses pea plants, then there will be a lot of growth.
  3. If plants are grown under different colored lights, then they will grow different heights.
  4. If a month passes, then the plant will grow under the red light.
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