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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Short Stories (Non-Fiction) Questions

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Grade 8 Nature and Science (Stories)

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What are capillaries?
  1. heart tubes
  2. skin covers
  3. main arteries
  4. blood vessels
Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.8.2

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What is the main message of the story?
  1. A home must be beautiful.
  2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. People always want what they don't have.
  4. A home is more than what it looks like on the outside.
Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.8.1

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Based on the passage, you can infer that the school Jane attended was
  1. located in a wealthy neighborhood.
  2. not one she enjoyed attending.
  3. very strong academically.
  4. falling apart.
Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.8.1
Based on the passage, you can infer that the school Jane attended was
  1. located in a wealthy neighborhood.
  2. not one she enjoyed attending.
  3. very strong academically.
  4. falling apart.
Grade 8 Nature and Science (Stories)

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What is the goal of the process your body goes through when it gets a cut or scrape?
  1. to make new skin
  2. to keep it from hurting
  3. to stop the flow of blood
  4. to remove dirt and debris
Grade 8 Nature and Science (Stories)

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What is the difference between arteries and veins?
  1. arteries are big and veins are small
  2. arteries produce blood and veins use it
  3. arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry it back
  4. arteries help the body stop the flow of blood and veins encourage the flow
Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.8.3

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Which statement best describes Jane's mother?
  1. She was a terrible cook and housekeeper.
  2. She worked hard and cared about Jane.
  3. She did not know how to repair a house.
  4. She did not like people stopping by unexpected.
Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.8.3

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Which choice best describes Jane's house?
  1. It was white and red.
  2. It had lots of people inside.
  3. It looked old and was falling apart.
  4. It sat in a dangerous part of town.
Grade 8 Nature and Science (Stories)

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What are the three steps (in order) your body goes through when you get a cut or scrape?
  1. vasoconstriction - platelet plug - coagulation
  2. coagulation - reaction - vasoconstriction
  3. platelet plug - coagulation - reaction
  4. coagulation - vasoconstriction - platelet plug
Grade 8 Nature and Science (Stories)

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Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.8.3

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How did Jane feel about the houses she passed on her way home?
  1. She was upset that she had to walk so far.
  2. She thought they were hiding ugliness inside.
  3. She wished she could build one like them someday.
  4. She admired their beauty and their special features.
Grade 8 Places (Stories) CCSS: CCRA.W.9, W.8.9

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