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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Texas Questions

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Grade 4 Texas
Immigrants came to Texas for different reasons. What are those reasons?
  1. wealth
  2. claim land
  3. freedom
  4. all of the above
Grade 4 Texas
What happened to the settlers during the Revolution in Texas?
Grade 4 Texas
The 3 animals that live in all the regions of Texas are snakes, armadillos, and coyotes.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Texas
Among the largest Texas cities, ___________ has the most people.
  1. Dallas
  2. Austin
  3. Houston
  4. San Antonio
Grade 4 Texas
Today, there are ______ counties in Texas.
  1. 154
  2. 204
  3. 254
  4. 304
Grade 4 Texas
How does the Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas affect the economy of the region?
Grade 4 Texas
Who was president of the Republic of Texas during the Archives War?
Grade 4 Texas
Two Cultures Meet.
Summarize the difference between the cultures of Mexican and Texas settlers.
Grade 4 Texas
Texas was larger as a republic than it is today.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Texas
What did delegates at the Convention of 1832 request?
Grade 4 Texas
Describe why the settlers were unhappy with the Mexican government.
Grade 4 Texas
Who is Sam Houston?
Grade 4 Texas
How do you think the Texans reacted to Mexico's efforts to control them?
Grade 4 Texas
The population of Texas is much larger now than it was during the 1800s.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Texas
The city of          Austin         is named after a famous settler during the 1800s.
Grade 4 Texas
Today, most Texans live in small cities.
  1. True
  2. False
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