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Anthem - Science Fiction - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Tenth Grade (Grade 10)

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Grade 10 Anthem
What does Equality 7-2521 research while in the tunnel?
  1. Electricity
  2. The human body
  3. Gravity
  4. Light
Grade 10 Anthem
What is the Unspeakable Word?
  1. Ego
  2. Individual
  3. I
  4. Anthem
Grade 10 Anthem
When does the story take place?
  1. 1984
  2. 2015
  3. 1917
  4. The year is not specified
Grade 10 Anthem
What is the name of Ayn Rand's philosophy?
  1. Objectivism
  2. Subjectivism
  3. Collectivism
  4. Socialism
Grade 10 Anthem
Grade 10 Anthem
Why does Equality 7-2521 decide to offer the World Council of Scholars the lightbulb?
  1. He wants to help his brothers
  2. He wants the World Council of Scholars to forgive him for not telling the Home Council where he had been
  3. He wants the World Council of Scholars to pay him for his invention
  4. He wants to barter the lightbulb for a date with the Golden One
Grade 10 Anthem
Why does Equality 7-2521 break out of the Palace of Corrective Detention?
  1. The World Council is meeting
  2. He is being tortured
  3. The Golden One needs him
  4. He wants to work on his invention
Grade 10 Anthem
Who is International 4-8818?
  1. The Golden One's father
  2. A member of the World Council
  3. Equality 7-2521's best friend
  4. One of the screamers at the Home of the Students
Grade 10 Anthem
Who do the members of the World Council of Scholars reject the light bulb?
  1. Because they are afraid of it
  2. Because the bulb does not work
  3. Because they already have one
  4. Because the bulb is too bright
Grade 10 Anthem
Where does Equality 7-2521 write the beginning part of the novella?
  1. In a cave
  2. In a tunnel
  3. At his house
  4. On the street
Grade 10 Anthem
What does the Golden One do for a living (What is her Life Mandate)?
  1. She is a scholar
  2. She is a street sweeper
  3. She is a cook
  4. She is a peasant
Grade 10 Anthem
Equality 7-2521 discovers which of the following?
  1. Lightning
  2. Electricity
  3. Subatomic particles
  4. Greek manuscripts
Grade 10 Anthem
How long ago was the candle supposedly invented?
  1. 100 years ago
  2. 50 years ago
  3. 200 years ago
  4. 150 years ago
Grade 10 Anthem
What name does the Golden One initially give Equality 7-2521?
  1. the Proud One
  2. the Saint of the Pyre
  3. the Unconquered
  4. Prometheus
Grade 10 Anthem
Grade 10 Anthem
What does Equality 7-2521 do for a living (his Life Mandate)?
  1. He sweeps the streets
  2. He invents things
  3. He builds houses
  4. He fights for equality
Grade 10 Anthem
How does Equality 7-2521 discover electricity?
  1. In a thunderstorm
  2. By sticking his finger in a socket
  3. While dissecting frog hanging on a copper wire
  4. The Golden One tells him about it
Grade 10 Anthem
How does Equality 7-2521 escape the Palace of Corrective Detention?
  1. He threatens not to give the World Council the lightbulb
  2. He tunnels out
  3. He steals the key
  4. He kicks down the door
Grade 10 Anthem
Where does Equality 7-2521 converse with the Golden One?
  1. On the field
  2. In the tunnel
  3. At the hedge
  4. On the road
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