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Biotic and Abiotic Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 Biotic and Abiotic
Which of the following situations show a biotic factor operating within an ecosystem?
  1. the kind of climate in a given region
  2. carnivores that eat other animals
  3. the concentration of hydrogen gas in the air
  4. the rate of water flow in a body of water
Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
What are biotic factors?
  1. Earth's weather and climate
  2. Non-living parts of an ecosystem
  3. Living organisms in an ecosystem
  4. Landforms and waterfalls
Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
What are the nonliving parts of the ecosystem such as water, dirt, and air called?
  1. abiotic factors
  2. biomes
  3. biotic factors
  4. ecological factors
Grade 8 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 9 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 3 Biotic and Abiotic
What does biotic mean?
  1. living
  2. non-living
Grade 4 Biotic and Abiotic
Which of the following best describes the types of things that make up an ecosystem?
  1. all living and nonliving things
  2. only living things
  3. humans and animals
  4. plants only
Grade 5 Biotic and Abiotic
Which is a biotic factor that affects the size of a population in a specific ecosystem?
  1. average temperature
  2. type of soil
  3. number and kinds of predators
  4. concentration of oxygen
Grade 9 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 6 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 8 Biotic and Abiotic
What is a biotic factor in a prairie dog ecosystem? (Select all that apply.)
  1. grass and other plants that the prairie dog eats
  2. hawks, ferrets, and other animals that hunt prairie dogs
  3. the soil that provides the prairie dog with a home
  4. worms, fungi, and bacteria that also live in the soil
Grade 4 Biotic and Abiotic
Which is an abiotic factor in an ecosystem?
  1. ant
  2. decaying plant
  3. earthworm
  4. sand
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