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Common Core Standard L.8.5 Questions

Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

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Grade 8 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5

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In which sentence does the author use exaggeration to make a point about the food?
  1. The owners offer a menu of Italian food.
  2. They also know how to make a hearty red sauce.
  3. They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic.
  4. The food and low prices bring the customers in the door.
Grade 8 Idiom CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5
Grade 8 Figurative Language CCSS: CCRA.R.7, CCRA.L.5, RL.8.7, L.8.5, L.8.5a
Which of the following is an example of dramatic irony?
  1. A mother expects her children to do well in school and they make the honor roll.
  2. A man meets his long-lost son and the reader knows it, but he doesn't.
  3. A little girl can see the future and predicts a storm is going to come.
  4. A teacher tells her students they did well on a test, but actually they all failed.
Grade 8 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5, L.8.5c
Which word is a positive connotation of "greedy"?
  1. moneygrubbing
  2. avaricious
  3. covetous
  4. curious

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