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Common Core Standard RI.9-10.1 Questions

Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

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Grade 9 Reading Strategies CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1
After rereading the third paragraph, what can you infer (assume) about how the food during the middle ages changed?
  1. Food options before the crusades were pretty limited by the lack of availability or discovery of different flavors and items.
  2. Because of the crusades, food was better thanks to the trade the opened between the two parts of the world.
  3. The crusaders were introduced to Asian foods such as sushi and Ramen noodles.
  4. The poor people who fought were no longer happy with what they ate and so forced people to make better food.
Grade 10 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1, RST.9-10.1

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Grade 10 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1, RST.9-10.1

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Grade 9 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1

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Based on the passage, you can infer that India gained its independence from...
  1. The Americans
  2. The French
  3. The British
  4. A negative ruler
Grade 9 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1

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Why do competitors most likely stop in at small towns along the route?
  1. They want to rest for a few days.
  2. They change both their sleds and dog teams.
  3. They need time to consult the map and verify directions.
  4. They record their position and show that they are still on route
Grade 9 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1

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Grade 9 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1

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What is the most likely reason that people participate in the Iditarod?
  1. For the huge prize money
  2. To travel throughout Alaska
  3. For the adventurous experience
  4. To spend a great deal of time outside
Grade 10 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.9-10.1

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