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Third Grade (Grade 3) Character Study Questions

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Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3
Farmer John planted some corn. First, he prepared the ground. He plowed up the hard earth into small pieces. Next, he planted the seeds in the ground. When the corn grew, Farmer John harvested the crop and sold the corn at the market.

Who is the character in the story? Why is he important to the story?
Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3

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Which word describes Erica at the beginning of the story?
  1. Confused
  2. Friendly
  3. Uptight
  4. Disappointed
Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3

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How did Charlie's attitude change during the story?
  1. At first he was rude, but at the end he showed respect and honored those who died.
  2. At first he was tried, but at the end he had a lot of energy and excitement.
  3. At first he was excited, but at the end he wished they had never come.
  4. At first he was happy, but at the end he was very sad because he never met his great-great-grandfather.
Grade 3 Character Study

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How did the little fish feel when it started to get late?
  1. He was tired.
  2. He was afraid.
  3. He was proud.
  4. He was excited.
Grade 3 Character Study

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Which word describes the little fish?
  1. smart
  2. honest
  3. beautiful
  4. adventurous
Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3

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What does the phrase "He wanted to play a joke on Jimmy, but like most jokers he didn't want the joke to come back on himself" in Paragraph 2 show about Peter?
  1. Peter liked to get the credit for the jokes he played.
  2. Peter didn't want to get in trouble for the jokes he played.
  3. Peter really liked to play jokes on all his friends.
  4. Peter wanted to blame someone else for the joke.
Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3

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Read the sentence from Paragraph 1.

The fact is, Danny Meadow Mouse was worried.

Why is Danny Meadow Mouse worried?
  1. Reddy Fox caught him napping.
  2. Johnny Chuck called him grumpy.
  3. Danny Mouse had a short tail.
  4. Jimmy Skunk asked him how he was feeling.
Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.3.1

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Which sentence from Paragraph 2 best supports your answer in Part A?
  1. Now worry is one of the worst things in the world, and it didn't seem as if there was anything that Danny Meadow Mouse need worry about.
  2. But you know it is the easiest thing in the world to find something to worry over and make yourself uncomfortable about. And when you make yourself uncomfortable, you are almost sure to make every one around you equally uncomfortable.
  3. Striped Chipmunk had twice called him "Cross Patch" that morning, and Johnny Chuck, who had fought Reddy Fox for him the day before, had called him "Grumpy."
  4. Why, he was worrying because his tail is short. Yes, Sir, that is all that ailed Danny Meadow Mouse that bright morning.
Grade 3 Character Study

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After leaving the Burns house, Guy felt
  1. sad.
  2. lazy.
  3. thankful.
  4. disappointed.
Grade 3 Character Study

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Which word best describes Guy at the beginning of the story?
  1. sad
  2. bored
  3. happy
  4. ungrateful
Grade 3 Character Study

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Why does Guy's mother send him to the Burns household?
  1. to help make pies
  2. to find kids to play with
  3. to give Mrs. Burns her pay
  4. to invite the Burns for Thanksgiving
Grade 3 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3

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Which word best describes how Charlie felt when he learned about his great-great- grandfather?
  1. proud
  2. bored
  3. angry
  4. loved
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