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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Classic Literature Questions

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Grade 7 A Christmas Carol
Grade 7 Lord of the Flies
The first two characters to appear in the novel are
  1. Piggy and Ralph
  2. Simon and Garfunkle
  3. Piggy and Jack
  4. Samneric
Grade 7 A Christmas Carol
Which quote from " A Christmas Carol" helps to convince the reader that Scrooge is a changed man?
  1. "Allow me to ask your pardon, and will you have the goodness to add this (throwing him a purse) to your good work! If you please not a penny less. A great many back payments are included in it, I assure you."
  2. "Spirit, hear me. I am not the man I was. I will not be the man that I have been for so many years."
  3. "The spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach."
  4. "I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future."
Grade 7 Lord of the Flies
The novel, Lord of the Flies, is set in
  1. the present time.
  2. the distant future.
  3. the time of Armageddon.
  4. both b and c
Grade 7 Lord of the Flies
The protagonist of the novel is
  1. Simon.
  2. Jack.
  3. Ralph.
  4. Piggy.
Grade 7 A Christmas Carol
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Prometheus brought mankind the gift of fire they...
  1. burned themselves and did not want fire
  2. ran away because they were afraid of Zeus
  3. bound Prometheus and took him to Zeus
  4. hid from Prometheus in caves
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Zeus was very angry with Prometheus and ordered him chained to the side of a mountain for all eternity. Prometheus was rescued...
  1. when the ravens came and saved him
  2. when Heracles came and released him
  3. the sun melted the chains
  4. mankind came with fire and burned the chains and rescued him
Grade 7 Around the World in 80 Days
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Zeus would not give man fire because he was afraid mankind would...
  1. burn themselves and others
  2. give it to the Druids
  3. become like the gods
  4. reject it
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Despite what Zeus said, Prometheus decided he would...
  1. take over Mount Olympus
  2. give mankind water
  3. give mankind food
  4. give mankind fire
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Prometheus wanted to help mankind because he saw they were...
  1. living in caves and shivering
  2. in prison and chained up
  3. tormented by Hades
  4. none of the above
Grade 7 The Wizard of Oz
What was the climax of the story?
  1. When the trees attacked the scarecrow
  2. When Dorothy finally made it home
  3. When the characters met Glinda
  4. When Dorothy killed the Wicked Witch of the West
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Prometheus showed mankind the advantages of having fire. They were grateful for his gift and used it to warm themselves and cook food. This activity lead to...
  1. Zeus discovering mankind had fire
  2. Prometheus convincing Zeus that this was a good idea
  3. Mankind over throwing the gods
  4. Mankind being struck by a bolt of lightening
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Man was the most miserable of the creatures because...
  1. they were in caves
  2. they only had nectar to drink
  3. they did not have fire
  4. they were in chains
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
Grade 7 Little Women
Grade 7 Little Women
Beth's passion is...
  1. Outdoors
  2. Books
  3. Music
  4. Art
Grade 7 The Story of Prometheus
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