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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Culinary Arts Questions

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Grade 12 Culinary Arts
The most popular type of meat on charcuterie boards is        pork       .
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
                are raw unpasteurized eggs that have been cracked and combined together.
  1. Combined Eggs
  2. Separated Eggs
  3. Ponded Eggs
  4. Pooled Eggs
Grade 12 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
The abbreviation for the government agency that is concerned with the cause and control of disease is?
  1. CDC
  2. FDA
  3. FFA
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
        Fatty         fish are best prepared by baking.
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
A           trussed           turkey's legs and wings are tied to its body prior to cooking.
Grade 12 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Hands should be washed with warm water and soap for at least?
  1. 20 seconds
  2. 30 seconds
  3. 60 seconds
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
      Fin       fish should be stored in self draining containers.
Grade 12 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
You will feel sick within 24 hours of eating contaminated food if you have a foodborne illness?
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
When brewing coffee, the water should be heated between:               195F - 200F              .
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
In a modern restaurant service wait staff use their right hands to serve food and their left to serve drinks
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
When eating at a formal setting, silverware is set from                         outside to the inside                        in progression with each course served.
Grade 12 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Which food item has been associated with Salmonella Typhi?
  1. Produce
  2. Beverages
  3. Undercooked ground beef
  4. Shellfish from contaminated water
Grade 12 Baking Skills
Which German dessert is named for the liquor distilled from tart cherries?
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
What Five (5) attributes MUST a Skilled Professional Serve have to be successful?
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
What are the three roles of a Server?
Grade 12 Culinary Skills
What does each letter stand for in the Word SERVICE.
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