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Football Questions - All Grades

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None Football
A defensive player catching the ball thrown by an offensive player is called
  1. an interception.
  2. safety.
  3. incomplete pass.
  4. none of the above
Grade 9 Football
Grade 11 Football
the area where a touchdown is made
  1. backfield
  2. none
  3. goal line
  4. endzone
Grade 6 Football
The length of a football field is?
  1. 75 yards
  2. 90 yards
  3. 100 yards
  4. 150 yards
Grade 7 Football
The area at the end of the field where the offensive team scores a touchdown.
  1. line of scrimmage
  2. neutral zone
  3. backfield
  4. end zone
Grade 9 Football
Grade 7 Football
Grade 7 Football
When a player drops the football.
  1. toss
  2. interception
  3. fumble
  4. tackle
Grade 9 Football
Grade 7 Football
What is the name of the player who throws the ball on offense?
  1. Center
  2. Wide Receiver
  3. Quarterback
  4. Running Back
Grade 9 Football
Where is the endzone located on a football field?
  1. The middle of the field.
  2. Top of the key.
  3. Between the goal line and endline.
  4. Sideline.
Grade 9 Football
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