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Volleyball Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Volleyball
During game play, it is LEGAL to:
  1. Tip the ball over the net
  2. Touch the net
  3. Volley the ball from underneath with the palms of your hands
  4. Bump the ball with two contact points
Grade 9 Volleyball
Grade 6 Volleyball
Which answer is NOT a basic violation in volleyball?
  1. Stepping on or over the line on a serve.
  2. Reaching under the net and crossing the line.
  3. Hitting the ball twice in a row.
  4. Serving the ball over the net.
College Volleyball
Grade 10 Volleyball
What happens if the ball hits directly on the endline?
  1. It is out
  2. It is a re-do
  3. Rock, paper, scissors to see who gets the point
  4. It is in
Grade 12 Volleyball
When does your team rotate in a volleyball game?
  1. every time you lose a point
  2. every time you win a point
  3. after the other team serves and you win the point
  4. after your team serves and you lose the point
Grade 9 Volleyball
Which of the following is NOT considered a fault, resulting in a point for the other team?
  1. A player crosses the center line.
  2. Server steps on the endline
  3. A player touches the net.
  4. Ball hits the top of the net and goes over.
Grade 9 Volleyball
If you are the server, what position are you in?
  1. Right back
  2. Center back
  3. Right front
  4. Center front
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