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LaCrosse Questions - All Grades

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None LaCrosse
What is the responsibility of the defenseman?
  1. to cover the entire field
  2. to score goals
  3. to transition the game
  4. to defend the goal
None LaCrosse
The act of receiving a passed ball is called:
  1. checking
  2. poking
  3. catching
  4. none of the above
Grade 8 LaCrosse
Grade 8 LaCrosse
Who typically scores the most goals in lacrosse?
  1. defensemen
  2. midfielders
  3. goalies
  4. attackers
None LaCrosse
None LaCrosse
What is a loose ball on the playing field
  1. slow roller
  2. ground ball
  3. high hopper
  4. bouncer
Grade 9 LaCrosse
In women's lacrosse major fouls include;
  1. rough or reckless tackling or checking.
  2. slashing
  3. hooking an opponent's crosse
  4. all of the above
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