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Golf Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Golf
Golf was created in the country of
  1. England
  2. Greece
  3. Scotland
  4. the United Kingdom
Grade 9 Golf
None Golf
A hole played three under par is called
  1. a dormie
  2. an albatross
  3. a birdie
Grade 10 Golf
Grade 10 Golf
Which of the answers below are an example of golf etiquette?
  1. Remain quiet when others are preparing to hit.
  2. Replace all divots.
  3. After hitting from a sand trap, rake the sand to its original state.
  4. All of the above.
Grade 5 Golf
None Golf
What is a "bunker"?
  1. A hazard on a golf course
  2. An area of sand
  3. A specially prepared area from which the grass is removed
  4. All of the above
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