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Tennis Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Tennis
Match the statement with the correct response. (4 points)
__ server steps on the service line when serving A. ace
__ the ball is served under the tape B. replay Point
__ the ball hits the tape C. fault
__ a ball is served in and never touched by the opposing team D. foot fault
Grade 6 Tennis
Match the description to the correct shot.
__ a ball bounces on your dominant hand side A. volley
__ a ball bounces on your non-dominant hand side B. backhand
__ you're close to the net and hit the ball without it bouncing C. forehand
Grade 3 Tennis
Match the tennis word with its meaning.
__ love A. when one player plays against one other player
__ racquet B. it divides the playing area into two halves
__ singles C. the player uses this to hit the ball
__ doubles D. when a team of two players plays against two other players
__ net E. tennis is played on this
__ court F. when a player has zero points
Grade 6 Tennis
Match how you define the type of match is being played. (3 points)
__ if two gentlemen play together A. mixed doubles
__ if a lady plays by herself B. gentleman's doubles
__ if a gentlemen and lady play together C. ladies singles
Grade 3 Tennis
The object of tennis is to hit the ball over the
  1. net.
  2. other player's head.
  3. fence.
Grade 6 Tennis
What is the best way to serve the ball with maximum power?
  1. Underhand
  2. Forehand
  3. Overhead
  4. Backhand
Grade 6 Tennis
Match the description to the correct shot. (3 points)
__ a ball bounces on your dominant hand side A. forehand
__ a ball bounces on your non-dominant hand side B. backhand
__ you're close to the net and hit the ball without it bouncing C. volley
Grade 6 Tennis
Match the statement with the correct response.
__ server steps on the service line when serving A. ace
__ the ball is served under the tape B. foot fault
__ the ball hits the tape C. replay Point
__ a ball is served in and never touched by the opposing team D. fault
Grade 3 Tennis
Players are not allowed to touch
  1. the racquet.
  2. the net.
  3. the ground.
Grade 3 Tennis
How is it decided which player will serve first?
  1. coin toss
  2. alphabetical order
  3. the older player goes first
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