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Geomorphology Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Geomorphology
Weathering occurs when rock                                                 .
  1. gets wet in the rain or snow.
  2. is worn away or broken down into smaller pieces.
  3. melts.
  4. erodes.
Grade 9 Geomorphology
The formation of the Grand Canyon in Colorado is an example of                  .
  1. glacial erosion.
  2. wind erosion.
  3. water erosion.
  4. chemical erosion.
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What do you call the surface landforms in an area?
  1. topography
  2. landform
  3. weathering
  4. erosion
Grade 9 Geomorphology
On what particular condition will glaciers retreat?
  1. more ice accumulates than melts.
  2. it gains ice at the same rate that ice melts.
  3. more ice melts than accumulates.
  4. the ice melts slower than it accumulates.
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What landform has a peak?
  1. Plain
  2. Plateau
  3. Mountain
  4. Valley
Grade 4 Geomorphology
Weathering and erosion are the processes through which rock is                                                  .
  1. physically and chemically changed.
  2. chemically altered and moved to a new location.
  3. broken down and moved to another place.
  4. chemically altered and broken into small pebbles.
Grade 9 Geomorphology
The breaking down of rocks on Earth's surface is                      .
  1. weathering
  2. chemical weathering
  3. erosion
  4. mechanical weathering
Grade 8 Geomorphology
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What changes Earth's surface?
  1. volcanoes
  2. weathering
  3. erosion
  4. all of the above
Grade 6 Geomorphology
Which of these is an example of weathering?
  1. Mountains are built
  2. Water freezes
  3. Plant roots widen a crack in a rock
  4. A volcano erupts
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