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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Nervous and Endocrine Systems Questions

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Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Neurons are cells that                                         .
  1. give, receive, and handle information
  2. help your body to grow physically larger
  3. you do not have when you are first born
  4. only exist in your lungs
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The nervous system is divided into two main parts, the central nervous system and the
  1. southern nervous system.
  2. cerebral nervous system.
  3. polar nervous system.
  4. peripheral nervous system.
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The releasing of saliva is a function of the                         .
  1. autonomic nervous system
  2. cerebellum
  3. cerebrum
  4. somatic nervous system
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which part of the body is made to vibrate by sound waves?
  1. nerve cells
  2. brain
  3. vocal chords
  4. eardrum
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What is a neuron?
  1. nerve cell
  2. muscle cell
  3. membrane
  4. thalamus
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which action is an example of a voluntary response?
  1. digesting
  2. waving
  3. blinking
  4. breathing
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which system sends hormones around your body to communicate between cells?
  1. digestive system
  2. skeletal system
  3. endocrine system
  4. muscular system
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which tissue transmits messages about sounds and smells to the brain?
  1. muscle tissue
  2. nervous tissue
  3. epithelial tissue
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What are the two parts of the nervous system?
  1. peripheral nervous system and cerebrum
  2. central nervous system and lateral nervous system
  3. brain stem and cerebellum
  4. central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What type of cell is shown?
  1. bone
  2. nerve
  3. muscle
  4. reproductive
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