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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Nervous and Endocrine Systems Questions

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Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which body system tells you when to reach for and catch a falling book?
  1. muscular
  2. skeletal
  3. nervous
  4. respiratory
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Your nervous system contains more than 10 billion nerve cells.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The brain is a(n)                 that is part of your nervous system.
  1. organ
  2. leg
  3. cell
  4. system
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Where are sound waves changed into the electrical signals that travel to your brain?
  1. eardrum
  2. hammer
  3. cochlea
  4. stirrup
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Your brain interprets signals from the                                    as sound.
  1. eardrums
  2. three bones in the middle ear
  3. tiny hairs that affect nerve cells
  4. inner ears
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What is the effect of the inner ear vibrating?
  1. The inner ear's walls are lined with hairs.
  2. Vibrations pass through the middle ear bones.
  3. Nerve cells send sound signals to the brain.
  4. The outer ear collects and guides sound waves.
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell are senses that help animals detect                 in their environment.
  1. changes
  2. senses
  3. weather
  4. food
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The spinal cord is the largest bundle of nerves connected to the brain.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Light enters the eye through an opening called the
  1. sclera.
  2. pupil.
  3. retina.
  4. iris.
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which part of the ear passes vibrations to the middle ear?
  1. eardrum
  2. inner ear
  3. outer ear
  4. nerve cells
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The                 is responsible for activities your body does automatically.
  1. brain stem
  2. brain center
  3. nucleus
  4. heart
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The pupil adjusts to the amount of light by dilating or contracting.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The middle ear contains
  1. liquid.
  2. the eardrum.
  3. three bones.
  4. hairs.
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
One ability an organism has to learn about the environment is to
  1. thrive.
  2. breathe.
  3. survive.
  4. sense.
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
When the lens focuses light rays on the retina, an upside down image is formed.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The cornea is not the outer layer of the eye.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The human            auditory            system starts with the collection of sounds by the ears and ends with the processing of sounds in the brain.
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
There are approximately 120,000,000 rods and 7,000,000 cones in the retina.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
People have a better sense of smell than dogs do.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Our brain keeps processing          sounds          whether we are awake or asleep.
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