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Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems Questions

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Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Why can the gene that produces insulin in a human be inserted into bacteria and produce the same human insulin?
  1. Because humans evolved from bacteria, the gene for insulin is already present in bacteria.
  2. The insulin gene originated in bacteria and was transferred to humans through an infection.
  3. Humans and bacteria have the same proteins.
  4. Bacterial DNA is made up of the same chemical building blocks as human DNA.
Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What does the outer ear provide?
  1. Resonance amplification
  2. Directionality cues for sound source location
  3. Interface impedence
  4. A change of mechanical energy into chemical energy
  5. All of the above
  6. A and B
  7. None of the above
Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Why does yogurt taste sharp?
  1. It has not been aged long enough to mellow.
  2. The taste is from the small amount of alcohol it contains, and alcohol tastes sharp.
  3. The taste is from the large amount of carbon dioxide it contains, and carbon dioxide tastes sharp.
  4. The taste is from the lactic acid it contains, and acids taste sharp.
Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which of these describes otoconia or statoconia?
  1. sit on the gelatinous material of the saccule and utricle
  2. give weight to ease movement of the structures in the gelatinous material
  3. can cause BPPV if displaced
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above
Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The                        regulates movement of CSF from the subarachnoid space to parts of the cochlea.
  1. The Stria Vascularis
  2. The endolymphatic sac
  3. The endolymphatic duct
  4. The cochlear aquaduct
  5. The Eustachian tube
Graduate Nervous and Endocrine Systems
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