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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Nervous and Endocrine Systems Questions

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Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The central nervous system is made up of the
  1. brain only.
  2. brain and spinal cord.
  3. brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves.
  4. brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, and spinal nerves.
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
The system that regulates body functions and consists of glands located throughout the body is the
  1. integumentary system.
  2. endocrine system.
  3. nervous system.
  4. respiratory system.
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What is a neuron?
  1. a nerve cell that serves as a key structural and functional component of the nervous system and that allows for the movement of nerve impulses
  2. a nerve fiber that protects the brain
  3. an involuntary action that links with the hypothalamus in the brain
  4. a nerve tissue that controls voluntary actions
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which bests describes the function of the body system in the diagram?
Endocrine System
  1. pathogen and disease defense
  2. hormone secretion and body regulation
  3. nutrient absorption and waste excretion
  4. oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which gland controls the activities of all other endocrine glands?
  1. pituitary gland
  2. pineal gland
  3. pancreas
  4. parathyroid gland
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Which organ systems are the most important for maintaining homeostasis?
  1. endocrine and digestive
  2. nervous and endocrine
  3. nervous and excretory
  4. nervous and lymphatic
Grade 9 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What is the endocrine system?
  1. all the endocrine glands of the body and their hormones
  2. the hormones that control digestion and excretion
  3. the part of the nervous system that coordinates body movement
  4. the part of the nervous system that slows the body down and controls the body when it is resting
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