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Third Grade (Grade 3) Reading Strategies Questions

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Grade 3 Author's Purpose
A story that is funny, silly, or scary is trying to                you.
  1. entertain
  2. persuade
  3. inform
  4. direct
Grade 3 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
Joe was very tired when he got home from school. He decided to take a nap. When he woke up the sun was shining. He could hear roosters crowing and smelled bacon cooking in the kitchen. He walked slowly into the kitchen and asked his mother, "What time is it?"

What time did he wake up?
  1. Noon
  2. Midnight
  3. 7:00 in the morning
  4. 7:00 in the evening
Grade 3 Main Idea CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RI.3.2
Every morning when I get up I eat breakfast, brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed and make my bed. After that, it is my job to feed the dog in the morning. Then, I can read or play until it is time to walk to school.

The main topic of this passage is:
  1. What time I eat breakfast
  2. How my brother helps me get ready for school
  3. My morning activities
  4. Riding the bus to school
Grade 3 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.3.5
Which word refers to the part of a story when the main conflict or problem is worked out or solved?
  1. opinion
  2. topic
  3. setting
  4. resolution
Grade 3 Making Predictions
Randy smelled smoke. He looked outside and saw where it was coming from. A pile of leaves had caught on fire! Randy ran to the phone and started dialing. Who did Randy most likely call?
  1. the market
  2. his cousin
  3. his doctor
  4. the fire department
Grade 3 Making Predictions
The soccer field was at the top of a hill. On each side, there was a steep slope down. The view was great. If the ball got kicked out of bounds, though, there would be a big problem.

What might happen to the ball next?
  1. It will roll down the hill.
  2. It will go flat.
  3. It will go up a tree.
  4. It will bounce too high.
Grade 3 Author's Purpose
Which are examples of texts designed to entertain? (Choose all that apply.)
  1. dictionaries
  2. plays
  3. textbooks
  4. biographies
  5. poems
  6. stories
  7. comic strips
Grade 3 Theme CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
What is the theme of the passage below?

Tim hated his old baseball glove. He wanted to play with a new glove, but he didn't have any money, so he decided to steal it. But when Tim got caught stealing the glove, his parents said he couldn't play baseball all summer.
  1. Tim wanted a new glove.
  2. Stealing is a good idea.
  3. If you want something, you should work for it.
  4. Tim lost his privilege of playing baseball.
Grade 3 Fact and Opinion
Is it a fact or an opinion?

Labradors are the best kind of dogs to have as a pet.
  1. Fact
  2. Opinion
Grade 3 Fact and Opinion
Is it a fact or an opinion?

A rock is hard.
  1. Fact
  2. Opinion
Grade 3 Point of View
When an author is trying to get you to agree with his/her opinion, he/she is writing to                .
  1. entertain
  2. persuade
  3. inform
  4. direct
Grade 3 Main Idea CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
Max and Nan were friends. They played together every afternoon. They played ball. They played tag. They got along very well -- just the two of them.

One day Max and Nan were playing outside. They saw a little boy watching them. They wished he would go away.

"Who are you?" asked Nan. "What are you doing here?"

"My name is Ben," the boy said. "My family just moved in next door."

Max looked at Nan. Nan looked at Max. Then they both smiled.

"Would you like to play ball with us?" Max asked.

After that, Max and Nan and Ben were friends. They got along very well - just the three of them.

Who is this story MOSTLY about?
  1. Ben
  2. Max and Nan
  3. A new family next door
  4. How three kids became friends
Grade 3 Making Predictions
Terra put on her swimsuit. Next, she packed her towel and sand toys in a bag. Finally, she put on a hat and some sunscreen. Then she walked out the door. Where did Terra most likely go?
  1. the movies
  2. her grandma's house
  3. the beach
  4. on a nature hike
Grade 3 Identifying Genre
Which book would show where Africa is located?
  1. Thesaurus
  2. Dictionary
  3. Glossary
  4. Atlas
Grade 3 Fact and Opinion
Is it a fact or an opinion?

It is fun being the youngest person in your family.
  1. Fact
  2. Opinion
Grade 3 Author's Purpose
A passage that has more facts than opinions is likely to be a/an                    .
  1. fairy tale
  2. fable
  3. biography
  4. informative passage
Grade 3 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.6, RL.3.6
Which word refers to the feeling or feelings a person experiences when they read a story?
  1. moral
  2. characterizations
  3. mood
  4. fable
Grade 3 Supporting Details CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.3.1
A tundra is a place with very low temperatures and very little rain. Winters in the tundra are long and extremely cold. Summers are short, mild, and cool.

Some animals living in the tundra are prepared for the cold weather. For instance, foxes, reindeer, caribou, and grizzly bears all have thick fur. Their fur protects them from the cold.

There are very few plants in the tundra. Most of the soil in the tundra is frozen. Plants can only grow in the thin top layer of soil. Only small, low-growing types, such as grasses and small bushes grow there. Trees cannot grow in the tundra because their roots cannot grow deep enough into the soil.

Which sentence from the passage best supports the idea that animals are ready to live in the tundra?
  1. Plants can only grow in the thin top layer of soil.
  2. Winters in the tundra are long and extremely cold.
  3. A tundra is a place with very low temperatures and very little rain.
  4. For instance, foxes, reindeer, caribou, and grizzly bears all have thick fur.
Grade 3 Fact and Opinion
Is it a fact or an opinion?

Spelling is something that you study in school.
  1. Fact
  2. Opinion
Grade 3 Problem and Solution
Some stories might have more than one problem and solution.
  1. True
  2. False
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