Free Printable Time Worksheets
Use these time worksheets to encourage student learning of reading clocks, telling time, and calculating elapsed time.
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Related Lesson: Telling Time - A.M. and P.M.
Time Worksheets
Time - Hour & Half-Hour
- Matching Clocks to Time – Hour Increments
- Matching Clocks to Time – Half-Hour Increments
- Drawing Clock Hands - Hours
- Drawing Clock Hands - Hours and Half-Hours
- Telling Time with Clocks
- Telling Time - Digital and Analog Clocks #1
- Reading Clocks
- Reading Digital Clocks to Hours and Half-Hours
- Matching Analog and Digital Clocks #1
- Matching Analog and Digital Clocks #2
- Adding and Subtracting Hours
Time - Nearest Five Minutes
- Drawing Clock Hands - 5 Minute Intervals
- Drawing Clock Hands - 10 Minute Intervals
- Drawing Clock Hands - Quarter Hours
- Telling Time with Clocks
- Telling Time - Digital and Analog Clocks #2
- Reading Digital Clocks to Nearest Five Minutes
- Matching Analog and Digital Clocks #3
- Matching Analog and Digital Clocks #4
- Matching Analog and Digital Clocks #5
Time - Nearest Minute
- Drawing Clock Hands - Minutes #1
- Drawing Clock Hands - Minutes #2
- Drawing Clock Hands - Time in Words #1
- Drawing Clock Hands - Time in Words #2
- Telling Time with Clocks #1
- Telling Time with Clocks #2
- Measuring Time in Minutes
- Telling Time - Digital and Analog Clocks #3
- Reading Digital Clocks to Nearest Minute
- Matching Analog and Digital Clocks #6
Time - Mixed Practice
- Time Conversions
- Back-to-School Time Word Problems
- Back-to-School Time!
- Summer Time!
- Thanksgiving Dinner Cooking Times
- Real-Life Reading: Store Hours
- Real-Life Reading: Veterinarian Hours
- Blank Clock Faces
- Estimating Time - Hours or Minutes?
- Clip Cards - Telling Time in Words
- Clip Cards - Time
- Converting Time Units
- Time Word Problems
- Christmas Estimating Time
- Reading a Schedule
- Schedule Sleuth
Calendar Math