Printable Arts Worksheets, Tests, and Activities

This large variety of quizzes, tests, and worksheets cover dance, theatre, visual arts, and more.
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Visual Arts
Grades K-5
- Drawing Quiz - Basics
- Visual Arts Quiz - Kindergarten
- Visual Arts Quiz - grades 1-2
- Color Wheel - Activity
- Paintings and Their Meanings
- "Reading" Paintings
Grades 6-8
- Colors and Tints
- Drawing Review
- Sculpture Review
- Drawing: Grids, Lines, and Shading
- Color Wheel - Activity
- Examining Art - Famous Paintings
Grades 9-12
- Photography
- Ceramics: Heating the Clay
- Ceramics Review
- Photography Test
- Photography Quiz
- Famous Paintings Quiz
- Digital and Applied Arts
- Printmaking
- Introduction to Greek Architecture
- Greek Architecture
- Drawing
- Photography - Camera Angles