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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Cell Structure and Function Questions

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Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
What makes a plant green and is where photosynthesis takes place?
  1. chloroplast
  2. nucleus
  3. cell membrane
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
                are the building blocks of life.
  1. Bricks
  2. Oxygen atoms
  3. Cells
  4. Energy units
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
All cells come only from living things.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
What statement is true about cytoplasm? (Select all that apply.)
  1. All cells have it.
  2. It is a gel-like substance.
  3. Only plant cells have it.
  4. It contains the things that cells need to carry out life processes.
  5. It separates the cell from its environment.
  6. It controls what substances go in or out of the cell.
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
What level of life is the smallest?
  1. populations
  2. cells
  3. organisms
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
What organelle is the food factory of a plant?
  1. chloroplast
  2. chlorophyll
  3. seed
  4. food
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
Animal cells have chloroplasts or chlorophyll.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
The                  unit of life is a                 .
  1. largest; cell
  2. smallest; cell
  3. smallest; tissue
  4. largest; tissue
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
All plant cells have                . (Select all that apply.)
  1. choroplasts
  2. a nucleus
  3. a cell membrane
  4. cytoplasm
  5. a cell wall
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
A(n)                 is the smallest unit of living matter.
  1. hair
  2. tissue
  3. oxygen
  4. cell
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
You can see most cells using only your eyes.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
Which is a waste product of cells?
  1. blood
  2. water
  3. oxygen
  4. carbon dioxide
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
In a many-celled plant or animal, cells are NOT organized to work together.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
Different kinds of cells have different kinds of cell membranes.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
Which are like cells?
  1. factories
  2. homes
  3. cells
  4. cities
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
Can animals make their own food?     no     
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
A        cell        is the smallest unit of living matter.
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
What two things do plant cells have which animal cells do not have?                              Cell wall and chloroplasts                             
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
              Chloroplast               are the special part in a plant's cell that trap sun's energy.
Grade 4 Cell Structure and Function
What is a cell?
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