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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Biogeochemical Cycles Questions

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Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles
Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles
Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles
What is the role of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the nitrogen cycle?
  1. They create acid rain.
  2. They cause algal blooms.
  3. They make nitrogen into a more useful form.
  4. They move water through the environment.
Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles

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Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles
What is the best definition of global warming?
  1. Earth warming on all sides
  2. an increase in the average temperature worldwide caused by the greenhouse effect
  3. people around the world feeling warm all over
  4. Earth warming because of the many fires in the jungle
Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles

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Which reservoir contains the most carbon?
  1. atmosphere
  2. deep oceans
  3. vegetation
  4. sediments
Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles
Which means directly uses fossil fuels?
  1. a nuclear reactor
  2. an oil-fired furnace
  3. a wind generator
  4. a woodburning stove
Grade 11 Biogeochemical Cycles
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