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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems Questions

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Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Which scenario best illustrates the concept of carrying capacity?
  1. The exponential growth of a fruit fly population continues to increase and will eventually double in ten days.
  2. The exponential growth of ants increases dramatically when its competitor species is forced to move due to habitat loss.
  3. The logistic growth of a giraffe population continues to decline due to the increase in number of predators.
  4. The logistic growth of a bunny population has stabilized because the population has reached the largest numbers that the area can support.
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Which list is the levels of organization in an ecosystem in the correct order?
  1. population, community, ecosystem, individual
  2. community, population, ecosystem, individual
  3. individual, community, population, ecosystem
  4. individual, population, community, ecosystem
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
What is a population?
  1. total number of a particular species in an area
  2. all the biotic and abiotic factors in an area
  3. all the species in an area
  4. a group of several ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Which place represents an ecosystem?
  1. fish tank
  2. prairie
  3. lake
  4. all of these
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
What is species distribution?
  1. number of individuals in a location
  2. where within an ecosystem individuals are located
  3. spaces between individuals in an ecosystems
  4. number of habitats in one area
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
What is abundance?
  1. number of individuals in a location
  2. where within an ecosystem individuals are located
  3. spaces between individuals in an ecosystems
  4. number of habitats in one area
Grade 11 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
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