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Search Results for eco - All Grades

9 questions match "eco". Refine Your Search

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Grade 5 Plurals
Grade 7 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
A subset of a biome with similar climates and organisms is a(n)
  1. ecosystem.
  2. biosphere.
  3. eco-region.
  4. population.
Grade 7 Environmental Science
Grade 7 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 9 Environmental Science
You need to get a paperback copy of a novel to read for English class. Which is the most eco-friendly way of getting a copy of the book?
  1. Borrow a copy from a friend or the library.
  2. Buy a new copy from the nearby bookstore.
  3. Order a new copy via an online retailer.
College Zoology
Several lineages of fishes, including lamnid sharks, billfishes and tunas, have evolved an ability known as regional endothermy. These fishes all share the following eco-morphological characteristics, EXCEPT for what?
  1. They are large and active with high energy demands.
  2. They undertake long-distance migrations.
  3. They encounter a range of water temperatures within the vertical water column.
  4. They have a second set of accessory gills that increases oxygen extraction from water.
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
Organisms that exclusively feed on producers are
  1. herbivores.
  2. omnivores.
  3. carnivores.
  4. predators.
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