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Search Results for type - All Grades

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Grade 9 Defining Words
What is a cassava?
  1. A type of tree
  2. A type of bush
  3. A type of vegtable
  4. A type of candy
Grade 10 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4

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Based on the text, you can infer that a pickerel is...
  1. A type of flower
  2. A type of frog
  3. A type of fish
  4. A type of weed
Grade 7 Figurative Language
Similes and metaphors are both
  1. types of literal language.
  2. types of contrasts.
  3. types of viewpoints.
  4. types of comparisons.
College Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Grade 11 Historical Geology
What is an Australopithecus?
  1. type of kangaroo
  2. type of saber-toothed cat
  3. type of early human
  4. type of opossums
College Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Continuing Education CSS
How do you make a list that lists its items with squares?
  1. type: 2
  2. list-style-type: square
  3. type: square
  4. list-type: square
Grade 9 Fitness
In the F.I.T.T principle, the two 'T's stand for:
  1. type and tenseness
  2. time and type
  3. time and tempurature
  4. tempurature and type
Grade 8 Judaism
What is the etrog?
  1. A type of bread
  2. A type of fish
  3. A citrus fruit
  4. A type of wine
College Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Grade 8 Waves and Sound
What are constructive and destructive?
  1. 2 types of light
  2. 2 types of animals
  3. 2 types of interference
  4. 2 types of pitch
College Diabetes
College Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
None Business Technology
Grade 8 Simple Machines
Which of the following ALWAYS increases your force?
  1. Type 1 lever
  2. Type 2 lever
  3. Type 3 lever
  4. Type 4 lever
None Business Technology
What are the entity types that cover all the basis of Cignon v3?
  1. Entity Type, Master Entity, Process Type and Detail Entity Type
  2. Detail Entity Type, Master Entity and Process Type
  3. Abstract Entity, Process Type, Detail Entity
  4. Master Entity, Detail Entity Type and Entity Type
None Business Technology
What are the entity types that cover all the basis of Cignon v3?
  1. Entity Type, Master Entity, Process Type and Detail Entity Type
  2. Detail Entity Type, Master Entity and Process Type
  3. Abstract Entity, Process Type, Detail Entity
  4. Master Entity, Detail Entity Type and Entity Type
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