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Search Results for yeller - All Grades

8 questions match "yeller". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Sentence Structure
What type of sentence is this?

Old Yeller was a stray dog.
  1. imperative
  2. declarative
  3. exclamatory
  4. interrogative
Grade 7 Dictionary Skills CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4d
What guide words would you look between to find the definition of the word below?

  1. y - yardmaster
  2. yard sale - yeller
  3. yellow - yet
  4. yet - yolked
Grade 7 Dictionary Skills CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.7.4d
What guide words would you look between to find the definition of the word below?

  1. wrongful death - xeno
  2. xenobiotic - xylose
  3. y - yardmaster
  4. yard sale - yeller
Grade 5 Old Yeller
Mamma reminds Travis that he used to tell some whoppers. What does she mean?
  1. Travis used to talk all the times
  2. Travis used to tell tales.
  3. Travis used to throw tantrums.
Grade 5 Old Yeller
What is Travis doing when Arliss meets the bear?
  1. splitting rails
  2. chopping firewood
  3. repairing the fence
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